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Pallet How To: Adding Products


Adding products on Pallet is a breeze. In the following “How To” we will look at adding, managing, and editing your inventory. Here's an overview of what you’ll need to get started:

  • Product Name
  • Pice
  • Category
  • Track Invetory
  • Allow Overselling
  • SKU
  • Images

We put together the following video to better guide you through the product module.

Step 1: From the Products tab click ‘Add product.’ This will pull up a form

Step 2: Give your product a name and brief details, then add a price.

Step 3 – Categories: Select a category, categories are optional. Each Product can only have 1 category. To add a new category select the plus button, type in the name, and save by clicking the green check mark. To edit a category, select one first, then click the edit button to the right of the name, make your edit, and save. If you want to delete a category, click edit and then the trash icon. For more info, see the video below:

Step 4 – Image: Only 1 mage is currently allowed per product. By default, the image will be cropped to a square format. To avoid wrongful cropping, please upload a square image with dimensions under 2000px wide. Images with larger pixel dimensions might cause errors when saving. If you experience trouble, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Step 5 – Inventory: Pallet can serve as your inventory management system. ‘Track Inventory’ is enabled by default. Doing so means the product will show as sold out once the quantity is depleted. Alternatively, you can allow overselling.

Step 6 – Allow overselling: You can track inventory and allow the product to remain available to your customers even though there is no more stock in the system. This is useful for just-in-time production or gathering pre-selling.

Step 7: Make sure one or both are selected (track inventory and/or allow overselling). If neither is selected, your product will appear in the catalog but you will not be able to order it.

Step 8 – SKU: Adding an SKU is mandatory. You can add any combination of numbers, symbols, and letters.

Step 9: Save as a draft if you need to add details later, or publish and it will be available in your catalog.

Just in case you didn’t already know we will help with your setup, upload your products, and add your customer list. Use the following link to schedule a 1-1 with one of our experts who will do all the heavy lifting.

For support, send an email to

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